Monday, January 01, 2007

We are On The Move!

I know, we can hardly believe it ourselves!

We are leaving beautiful California to move to...


After 18 years in this house, and over 40 years in California, we are making the move!

We have sold our home here in California and have purchased a home in Colorado!
It is a new home, due to be completed on January 18th, the close of escrow date...
we are leaving a 1300 sq. ft. home and moving into a 4,935 sq. ft. home!
(I have a ton of shopping in my future!)

It will surely be an adventure, taking three teenagers, across the country to start a new life in Colorado...there will be some tears, but hopefully, in the big picture, it will be a good move for our family...

It will be a busy month...stay tuned!
~K ~


Stacey T. said...


Amy said...

Wow! Congrats! Talk about a jump up! :) Amy

M3 said...

Wow wheezers!!! Huge news, and so exciting. Colorado is absolutely beautiful, and your house sounds like a palace. Can't wait to hear more and to see pictures. Best wishes for a smooth move.

Aimee said...

Where in Co? We lived in Denver for about 3.5 years and then moved to So Cal...where I am from.

Good luck!

amazing how much more you can buy out there.