Monday, October 03, 2005

My Friend Stacey

OK I was looking through the photo albums this weekend. I found some good pics of Stacey, she is going to either love them or hate them!
I love them!

1976- we were in the fourth grade. She is in top right corner and I am in the bottom row, 2nd one.

Halloween 1975 or 1976? Stacey is the Navy girl and I am a Dutch girl? What was I thinking? But doesn't she look like Austin?
Stacey was always a with her sister Serra. 1976?
Here we were in SF on a band field trip... remember this?

2nd grade... Stacey is 2nd row, 2nd one and I am 4th one!
Enjoy....and I hope Stacey isn't too mad!
It was WITH LOVE!!!!
P.S. Stacey I am really proud of you! I tell everyone about you and your adventure! I cannot wait to meet Ryleigh!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Grand Nephews Are Great!

This is my grand-nephew. It is almost like having a grandchild when you are a Great Aunt. We helped raise his mom when she was little and now we help with him! (The good thing about being a Great-Auntie is that you CAN give them back to their Mom!)

Now...we have another Grand-Nephew coming into the family, our Nephew and his girlfriend are having a baby boy due in January 06!

As we look forward to the new addition, I am looking through baby clothes, the crib and the cradle...trying to decide whether or not to pass them on or not...should I keep them? Could there ever be another one for us? Will there be grandchildren soon? (NOT TOO SOON) But the way time flies...within 6 years or so (after college) it could happen.

Just some random thoughts on a Sunny Sunday... and busy shopping on eBay! I love eBay,...but that will be another blog!

Thanks for listening ~K~

Saturday, October 01, 2005

My little boy has grown!

This is my baby who is now 17 and going to graduate High School soon.

Time flies so fast. Everyone used to tell me that.

Now I know.

It was just yesterday that my "baby" was 6 weeks old, in this baseball outfit, smiling that toothless grin.

I love this boy, and I hope that he makes all of the right decisions. I hope that his father and I have done the best we can, to raise a fine young man.

I hope. I hope. I hope.
~K ~