We spent the night in Wendover UT last night (via Winnamuca- I love that name!). It is an interesting place, we are staying in Utah and just across the street is Wendover, NV so guess where we went last night? Oh yea, the peppermill in Wendover NV, donated a few bucks to the Keno games and the slots and then went back to the hotel for sleep. Let me tell you, it is NOT FUN riding in the car with 3 teenagers, 2 angry cats and a husband with a sore back. I did my best to bite my lip and not yell at anyone but it still happened!

Those boys really know how to irritate eachother. (and me)
Thank goodness for electronics, One of them plays the playstation, one of them is listening to an ipod and one of them watches a movie on the DVD player, when all of that happens, the ride isn't too bad.
The cold medicine seems to be working on the cats, that is the amount I can get into them before they start doing this wierd foaming thing where nothing will stay in their throat. It must be some defensive device they have, it is disgusting.
Anyway, the cats seem to like riding in the car, the only time they really cry is when we are going through some mountains and I think they are popping their ears. Other than that, they pretty much sleep!
The ride is boring but beautiful at the same time, the mountains are covered in snow and you can see animal tracks (bears?coyote?) so there are things too look at if you try!

More later...we are on our way to Rawlins, Wyoming tonight! Should be interesting.
~K ~
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