We got on the road early this morning (right after we discovered that the toilet in the hotel didn't flush) and made our way through the rest of Wyoming and into Colorado!
What a beautiful state, we loved the drive into Colorado Springs. The mountains are so great, the snow is just sitting on them like a post card.
I am going to try to add some pictures so I will write more later.
(There are some stories to tell...like how the escrow hasn't closed yet on the Monterey house, we are staying with my friend in Colorado Springs, we can't get into our house until we close escrow here because the keys are at the Title company and we can't get them....I have to get the kids in school by Monday some how...they haven't gone to school since winter break in December.)

Good news is that the weather is pretty good here in Colorado Springs, CO! (40*) (at least it is not -5 like last week when we came!)
~K ~