I do not remember ever talking to my parents the way my boys talk to me.
The oldest one is getting much better (now that he is suddenly realizing that living in this world is expensive, and he actually needs me)
But the 15-year old.....well, he needs a reality check.
What am I to do? I don't like him very much tonight.
Oh, and N is having a blast in Hawaii! Can't wait to hear all about it when he comes home next week! Lucky Kid!
I told my 15 year old, "I am going to survive this, but I am not too sure about you!". I will not say that there is a good chance that I had her 'nailed' to the wall just prior to me saying that. She is now a missionary in Taiwan. Yes, she was the 'wild child' until about 27.
You are scaring me...and I hear girls are even worse!
You could always do it the old fashioned way which is ground them to their room without accesibility to tv, cell phone, computer, etc... not that I know anything about parenting, but cutting them off like that...
Oh no. You are confirming what I am dreading. Please don't let them be as naughty as I was!!!
Wow! We used to live in Corral de Tierra! I went to San Benancio, Washington Union, etc. Where are you all exactly!?!?
Wow! Small world!
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