O.K., this is the story, we got a call from the fire dept. that our son was on the ambulance and they were going to transport him to the hospital. At that time, they didn't know what happened to him, did a ball or bat hit him? or was it a fist?
You guessed it. It was a fist. Unbelievable.
After what seemed to be the longest drive possible, I met the ambulance at the door.
N was in a daze. You can see that in the picture. Here is the long story short:
All the kids on the baseball team have Nicknames. One kid is called Red, one Riff Raff, one Dick and one is called Beaner. They have had these Nicknames for over 5 years or so. So anyway, there was a discussion about whether or not the grass at the field was cut differently. (why? I don't know, must of been a slow gossip day or something). N didn't agree with one of the kids and called him stupid. OK he said, "Oh, stupid Beaner" (He could of easily said: "Oh, stupid Joey". but he used his nickname. So Joey gets mad (N wasn't the only one saying this but was the closest.) Joey said, I am going to punch you (which often comes out of his mouth) and N said something like, "Ya right" and then N bent down to pick up a ball and Joey "sucker punched" him right in the jaw.
N hit the ground (on his head) and was passed out for over 2 minutes! The coach didn't know what to do (idiot) and the kids called 911. (Thank goodness we have taught our kids to do that because the coach didn't have a clue)
Anyway, Joey was arrested for Assault & Battery. He is 18. He went to jail and his grandfather got him out on bail. The DA eventually dropped the charges.
N had a CT scan and X-rays and was diagnosed with a concussion.
It was one of the most scariest moments of motherhood.
N and I both had tears in our eyes when we rolled past the snack bar and saw half of the baseball team waiting to see if he was OK. N felt the support and at that moment I knew everything would be OK.
N was suspended for 2 days for saying a racial slur (Yep, they pulled the "race card". ) and Joey was suspended for 5 days, missed two games and you guessed it, was STILL ON THE TEAM. (I guess it is OK to hit one of your team mates so hard he was sent to the hospital, get arrested (of course if you are a starter) and you can still stay on the team.) Good example the coach is.
We met with the Principal and the Vice Principal, that was a joke. The Principal said."We are lucky this wasn't a serious injury", I told him, "If he were dead, we would be having a totally different conversation". I asked the VP what was the policy for a violent act? Oh there is none. I told him that that had to change. Immediately.Then he told me, "parents don't change policy" Oh really?
After that joke of a meeting, I called the Superintendent. Met with him, Oh and guess what? They are changing the policy. SO THERE!(Don't underestimate the power of parents)
Oh, and the "altercation" was in the local paper, on the sports page! There have been letters to the editor, and I can't go to the grocery store and not hear someone talking about it. Small town.
I am just waiting until graduation to vent (outloud). I want N to have a good week. (One more week until graduation!)
N is doing fine now, the bruise has faded but his feelings still are hurt that his "friend" would do this to him and not feel any remorse. Lesson learned. (I hope)
It is hard to watch your children learn these lessons, you want to be there at all times for them. But you know you cant. You have to trust that you have done a good job teaching them.
1 comment:
Holy moly!!!!!!! I would have passed out from stress if I got a call like that. I'm so sorry honey! Glad to hear he's up and around and doing ok, and good for you on getting the policy changed. Go get em!!
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