Monday, May 29, 2006


Today is my birthday...NA na na na na!

I was born on May 29, 1966...figure out what birthday it is.

I never thought hitting this age would feel like it does,
this one is hitting me hard for some reason. I don't feel "old" or
anything, but I am kind of sad that so many years have past so quickly.
(Kind of like watching your children grow right before your eyes)

So Anyway, think about me today, and if you want, you can drop off my
present at the house. JK

Have a good day, and while you are thinking of me, don't forget to remember all of the veterans that we honor this Memorial Day (which, for your information was started in 1966!).

Happy Memorial Day (& Happy Birthday to me!) See ya!


Stacey T. said...

Happy FORTIETH Birthday, Kim!!!!!!

M3 said...

Whoooo! The big four oh. Excellent. Have a wonderful, fantastic birthday!!!!!!!!!! Everyone I know says the forties are the best decade.
