It is terrible living out of a mock kitchen in the living room! Eating all dinners out or from the microwave. There are only so many things you can make in the microwave until you get sick of it!
We are living off of Chicken from Costco, chimichangas, pot pies and other TV dinners from the microwave and if I have one more sandwich from a fast food restaurant I will scream. (That goes for pizza too!) Anyhoo..Here are some progress pictures I took last weekend. Since then there has been more progress, I will take some more pics later today after we get home from another day of baseball.
The Home Depot moved in the spot where our old KMart was...And now we practically live there!
R and I designed the cabinet layout and we did a pretty good job if I must say so myself! I am trying to find some "before" pictures...The old cabinets were terrible, original from 1951 when the house was built. When the kitchen is complete, we will have more counter space and new appliances...After 17 years in this house, it is about time!

Notice the new crown molding and new lighting! I know that the paint color looks dark, but I am telling you, it looks great!
Here is a sample of the tile for the counter and the backsplash. (Granite counters are way out of our budget, granite counter=$2,400 vs tile counter=$300) I am so lucky that R is so handy! We are saving so much money on labor! Of course his back is killing him, I noticed he is taking more pain pills lately... I hope he doesn't over do it too much.
The boys have been helping a lot also, I think they actually are learning life-long lessons about the electrical, painting procedures,cabinet hanging, tile and flooring. They are really proud of their work!
I will post updated pics later...
~K ~
Very cool!!! I can't wait to see it when it's done!!!
Been there done that. Total pain while you're doing it, but once you're done you can sit back and have self pride plus extra $$$ you didn't spend on someone else.
Kim this looks awesome so far! And I love the color you picked on the walls. We had a similar color in our old house and I miss the heck out of it in our new one. (We're too lazy to paint right now).
Find those old pictures, ok? I love before and after shots.
That looks fabulous! I am so jealous, we've lived in our house for 6 years and I'd do anything for a kitchen remodel. Even if I had to eat Costco food from the living room for 3 weeks! :0) Lucky you!
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