Monday, March 27, 2006

Time to get started...

Holding back~I really hold back when writing in this blog.

Really, I do.

I have been thinking about it lately and I am thinking I should really "let loose". Be warned, it will not be pretty.

Work~I am still thinking I will never blog about anything at work...I have read about too many horror stories about bosses looking up their employees names and seeing what they write about. I seriously don't think my bosses would ever do that, they are far too busy. But just in case... I will just keep that information inside, besides, there isn't anything bad about it at all, really.

Reading and Revelations~As I read my daily blogs
(I have mentioned that I am addicted right?)
I noticed that I really like it when the writers are honest about how they are feeling.

One blogger in particular is frustrated about how long it is taking to receive her daughters referral from China. Today she wrote a post about how hard it was to wait. Poor thing, she is probably watching others pick up their babies from China, just like I am must be hard.
As I read her comments from all of her faithful readers, I realized that those comments will keep her going. Others are thinking about her, etc. If she reads this, I want her to know that I am thinking about her and I hope her wait ends sooner than she is expecting. I am sure her wait will be worth it. I can't wait to see her story unfold!

Addictions...I am addicted to reading blogs about adoptions from China. Who knows, someday I might be writing about my own story...I have the three boys who will be grown and gone sooner than I think, and I am still young enough to be starting over. R had that **snip **snip surgery about 13 years ago; I doubt it would be reversible at this point. And all of those baby girls are so gorgeous! (Especially my friend Stacey's Ryleigh, I could just squeeze her!) I will just have to wait until we are a bit more financially stable. Long story short, after a back injury (ruptured disc with pieces of vertebrae taken out in emergency surgery last year), R changed careers. He now sells Real Estate. He just sold his first house, (yea R !) and the commission check was nice, but after a year fighting with workers comp and disability, it was a long time coming -the $ in the checking account that is! If he can keep selling houses, and getting check like this one, we would be on easy street! Then, we could pursue adoption!

Family stories~I have so many stories to tell! Some make me sad, some make me laugh and some really make me mad! I can't wait to get them all onto this blog so keep checking in, if I am going to get it all down, now is the time to start! My memory is fading fast, don't want to lose all of the details..

O.K. off of my soap box for now...just wanted to get some stuff off of my chest!

~K ~

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