Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Figuring it out

A couple of weeks ago, I was frustrated with those teenagers (again)...
I went into the 15 year-old's room and said,

"Just who do you think YOU are?"

In which he responded, near tears: " That's what I am trying to figure out, MOM!"

HELLO...of course he is! (Put me in my place!)

Sometimes, we just need to be reminded.

All of us!



M3 said...

Awww, that's really kind of sweet. :-) I like it. And hey, I give you big credit for being the kind of mom who would recognize how cool it was that he said that. There are a lot of moms who would have missed it entirely or yelled something back. Good for you!

Kristin said...

That is a great comment... the teen years... I can hardly wait...

Or CAN I?!

The Winter Ball photos are great... good looking boys and I promise I cannot remember girls that mature looking when I was in high school!!

Mrs. Darling said...

Wow that is profound. Poor little boy!